Ways To Give

Give Online

New City is setup to use Church Center for online and text-based giving. Church Center offers TLS encryption and all payment information is kept secure by Stripe. One-time and recurring options make giving to New City easier than ever!

Give in Person

Every Sunday we have the opportunity to bring our tithes and offerings to the Lord in person. Please ask one of the Ushers to guide you to the nearest lock box. These gifts are then collected and counted by a group of our Ushers and Counters, which then hand them to our Finance Administrator for their deposit.

Mail-in Checks

Set up automatic bill pay through your bank. Your bank will send New City a check according to the amount and frequency of your choosing. Checks can be mailed to 2441 Pinecrest Dr. Ferndale, MI 48220.


Text any dollar amount (e.g.: $50) to 84-321.

SMS number: 84-321
SMS body: $50

Amazon Smile

Through Amazon Smile, you can have 0.5% of your purchases donated to New City. In order for New City to receive credit, please setup New City as the non-profit you support at smile.amazon.com. (Please note that tax receipts are not available for donations made via this program, as all donations are made by the AmazonSmile Foundation).

StockS or Mutual Funds

You can donate appreciated securities–stocks, mutual funds, bonds, ADRs, etc.–and oftentimes receive a greater tax benefit than you would receive as compared to selling the appreciated securities and then donating cash. Donations of appreciated securities are recorded as a charitable gift at the appreciated amount. Also, by donating appreciated securities you can avoid recording a capital gain in the security (assuming the investment has appreciated and that you have held the asset for more than one year). If you would like to donate securities please contact Tracy Reynolds at accounting@newcitypc.org.

Donor Advised Funds

You can give to New City via a Donor Advised Fund, such as Fidelity Charitable Giving. Please keep in mind that your tax receipt will be issued by the Fund, not New City.